Vote For Jonai Singh
We are very pleased that Jonai Singh is running for a trustee position for the Herricks board of education. On so many occasions Jonai has proven herself to be both a leader and a person you can always count on to do the hard work necessary to achieve a goal that helps our children.
From her early days becoming involved in the district as the PTA President of the Searingtown School to her current position as the co-president of the PTA council, Jonai has always fought for what is right for the people of this district.
Many times Jonai has spoken at board meetings on a wide variety of topics always with an informed and determined voice. Jonai is never afraid to speak her mind on an issue she believes will help the residents of the district. When Christine Turner, a board member for the last 21 years wanted to pick someone to run with this year, Mrs. Turner chose Jonai Singh. When Paul Ehrbar decided to leave the board this year, he wrote a letter to the editor saying he would like Jonai to take his place and we all agree.
Times are very difficult as we all know. The value of school districts in the immediate future will be shaped by the decisions we make today. We need a voice on the board that is calm yet determined, experienced yet willing to think out of the box, cares about our children but is willing to seek what is best for our entire district. We need someone who is willing to work as a team to solve the serious problems that lie ahead of our children and our residents. There are many years of experience in the five of us and we all agree that Jonai Singh is the person for that job. Vote for Jonai Singh and Christine Turner on May 17.
Christine Turner
Rich Buckley
Paul Ehrbar
Peter Grisafi
Sanjay Jain