Last week, this paper published my letter about quality of life concerns in the Village of Great Neck Plaza with the following completely unsuitable headline: “Yeshiva Would Harm Gn Quality Of Life.”
Nowhere in my letter did I make such a statement! I am NOT against a Yeshiva in Great Neck! The essence of my letter dealt with quality of life issues on Welwyn Road. At the beginning of my letter, I simply alluded to Anna Kaplan’s efforts on behalf of community concerns over quality of life issues in Great Neck in hopes that our Village of Great Neck Plaza mayor would follow suit.
My attached headline for my letter was “Quality of Life Issues Plague Welwyn Road Residents.” Clearly the person who composed the flawed headline for my letter never read past the first two paragraphs. Whoever wrote that headline owes me an apology big time!
Muriel Pfeifer
Village of Great Neck Plaza