Great Neck library puts end to smoking

Great Neck library puts end to smoking

Patrons and staff members looking to smoke on the grounds at the Great Neck Library will now have to go elsewhere.

At a board meeting last Thursday library officials voted to update the library’s policy manual and make smoking prohibited on any part of the property.

“This request was prompted from a health standpoint,” Great Neck Library Director Jane Marino said. “It’s not only for the public but for the staff who many times will smell cigarette smoke as it gets drawn back into the building through the air vents.”

Coincidently, the smell of cigarette smoke was apparent halfway through the meeting.

Resident Ralene Adler asked who would enforce the non-smoking ban.

“If I have to I will,” Marino said. “People can still smoke on the sidewalk on Bayview Avenue. This will take some getting used to but I feel it’s important.”

Trustee Varda Solomon announced the library is looking to purchase a generator for the Main Library, but are still in the process of seeking more bids.

“We put out the information to several companies and only got one response,” Solomon said. “The generator is needed because if we lose power then all the computers go down.”

In other news, the community room fees at the Main Library, Station, and Parkville branches have been changed to better reflect cost to the library, Marino said.

Community rooms being used for three hours or less will cost $40 and usage lasting four to six hours will cost $50. Any meeting lasting beyond the library’s normal closing time will cost $25 per hour.

Tuesday’s meeting was the last for outgoing Trustee Anna Kaplan, who was recently elected as a councilwoman to the Town of North Hempstead

“With Anna leaving we want to recognize all her years of great service and contribution to the board,” said library Board President Janet Esagoff.

Kaplan was awarded a framed certificate of participation by Esagoff.

“It’s been honor and pleasure to be on board and to work with board members,” Kaplan said. “As I’ve said this building is dear and near to my heart. Even though I won’t be on board I am a resident and will still be involved with the library.”

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