Gracias to Latinos for their contributions to U.S.

Gracias to Latinos for their contributions to U.S.

A simple message to the Latino community, particularly thoseĀ  in the United States without the proper documentation to live here legally.

The president and Congress are clueless on how to get you illegals out of the shadow and into the sunlight.Ā  It is now up to you to take the bull by the horns and control your own destiny.Ā  You start by thinking as if you are now already the U.S. citizens you want to be and then act boldly.

Ā You must first realize and promote the positive contributions you have already made in America.Ā  One very important one is hardly mentioned by anyone.

Ask yourselves, what does every nation on earth need for it toĀ  survive?Ā  The answer is simple: children.Ā  To maintain its current population level, the replacement fertility rate ofĀ  2.1 children per woman is required. In Italy, Spain and Greece, forĀ  instance, their rate is currently hovering around 1.3.Ā  The Unites States rate is at the desired 2.1 rate.Ā  How did this happen?

Ā Per The Wall Street Journal [7/5/11]:Ā  ā€œBirths Fuel Hispanic Growthā€ – Average number of children among women 40-44 in the U.S. :

Whites:Ā  Ā  1.9

Blacks: Ā  2.0

Asians:Ā  Ā  1.8

All Hispanics:Ā  2.3

Of Mexican origin:Ā  2.5

The net result of all these numbers is that the U.S. is meeting theĀ  2.1 magic number because of the Latino community.

The article continues:Ā  ā€œthe children of immigrants are going to buoy up the economy.Ā  They are going to pay for Medicare and Social Security for the aging white population.ā€

So,Ā  this aging white male says to the Latino community…Gracias.


John Messina

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