GN officials honor veterans at ceremony

GN officials honor veterans at ceremony

Local elected officials honored the members of America’s armed forces Monday, hosting a Veteran’s Day ceremony at Great Neck’s Atria retirement home.

Village of Great Neck Plaza Mayor Jean Celender, Deputy Mayor Ted Rosen, Trustee Pam Marksheid and Nassau County Legislator Judi Bosworth addressed a room of senior citizens, thanking veterans for their service and noting the challenged faced by Great Neck in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.

“The process of restoring life and normalcy goes on,” said Celender. “We’re here to honor the veterans.”

“We are indebted to you for your brave service,” Celender said to the several veterans in attendance.”

The program featured a moment of silence, short speeches by each elected official and the reciting of memorial poetry by Celender, Rosen and Marksheid.

After the officials’ remarks, individual veterans in the audience, from Marines to Women’s Army Corps members, introduced themselves and shared brief stories of their wartime experiences.

Bosworth echoed Celender, acknowledging the sacrifices made by veterans and saying they are owed “a deep, deep debt of thanks.”

Bosworth also commended Celender on her storm relief efforts.

“When we talk about those who have helped, those who protect, Jean is right up there,” Bosworth said, calling Celender an “unsung hero.”

Rosen credited veterans for protecting what he described as America’s essential values and freedoms – ideas he said were worth remembering, even after the devastation of Sandy.

“This last couple of weeks we saw our regular life disrupted,” he said. “But just imagine if we didn’t have the sacrifice of our veterans and homefront workers.”

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