I read with astonishment the recent letters of Michael S. Glickman in which he suggests that Great Neck Plaza residents should go to the polls to vote for candidates other than those who appear on the ballot. Mr. Glickman simply has no credibility on the matter.
Over the last several months, Mr. Glickman’s vitriolic rants about the Plaza’s mayor and board of trustees have been frequently published in in one of our local newspapers. Yet Mr. Glickman, who professes to embrace governmental transparency, has never reminded readers of his own failed campaign for Plaza trustee just last year. Mr. Glickman’s obvious distress, frustration and bitterness over his own electoral loss are evident in each of his serial tirades in the local press.
Mr. Glickman does not have the conviction of character to discuss legitimate policy issues as a candidate for office this year. Presumably, he either could not find the necessary support for a campaign, or he privately realized that support would be woefully lacking, as it was only twelve months ago.
Instead, Mr. Glickman, inexperienced in local government,seeks to mock those who are willing to put their name on the ballot and continue to serve their community.
Though he wages personal attacks on village officials, in those rare letters in which he mentions a substantive issue, he offers no solutions to the problems that he perceives. In his most recent letter to the editor, Mr. Glickman even outrageously suggests that the village judge should disregard the current laws in effect in the Plaza.
Overall, Mr. Glickman has revealed an attitude and disposition that are unwelcome in public service, counterproductive to the resolution of real issues, and undermine the public welfare.
I am proud to support the candidates whose names are on the ballot on March 15 – Trustee Gerry Schneiderman, Trustee Marion Green and Judge Neil Finkston – and I am confident that each will continue to ably serve the residents of Great Neck Plaza.
Marlene S. Gerber
Great Neck