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Glickman doesn’t walk the walk

For The Great Neck News Editorial Page

“It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.” – Sir Walter Scott

To call Mr. Glickman a windbag for his continued rants tearing down the Village of Great Neck Plaza and its officials does not suffice.

In this week’s letter (February 25), Mr. Glickman attempted to play with the “Experienced, Dedicated, Effective” tagline on the posters of the currently running VGNP officials. Let me turn the tables a bit, as Mr. Glickman is also “Experienced, Dedicated, Effective.”

Experienced: Mr. Glickman is clearly experienced at writing weekly tirades, endeavoring to pit folks in our village against one another.

Dedicated: Mr. Glickman is dedicated to negativity. His persistence in spewing this negativity is monumental.

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Effective: Mr. Glickman is effective in displaying pettiness and mockery against both the process and the officials who work for the betterment of the Village of Great Neck Plaza and its residents.

Mr. Glickman clearly wants to “talk the talk,” but where is he when it’s time to “walk the walk”? Our village has numerous committees that work to address many of the issues that Mr. Glickman harps on, but when those committees meet, paralysis sets in, as he is nowhere to be seen. Government by name-calling. Vitriol on demand. Invective and vituperation. That’s Mr. Glickman’s game.

Frankly, I remain nonplussed that The Great Neck News continues to give weekly coverage to Mr. Glickman’s negative advertising campaign. Rather, they should charge him for advertising space! Maybe they print Mr. Glickman’s petty and insulting pieces because they have excess space to fill.

So, dear readers, if you’ve read enough of Mr. Glickman’s invective and have something of value to say, please write to The Great Neck News in droves so Mr. Blank won’t have space to publish anything further of Mr. Glickman’s sensationalist journalism approach to good government.

Muriel Pfeifer

Great Neck


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