Former NBA player Chris Herren will be presenting to Herricks students and parents his story of 14-year drug addiction on Tuesday, Dec. 2.
Herren gave his presentation on Long Island last March at Manhasset High School and founded The Herren Project, which in 2012 launched “Project Purple” to encourage people to stand up to substance abuse.
Herrens presentation will chronicle his substance abuse, which began as a freshman in Boston College and followed him to his being drafted by the Denver Nuggets in October of 2000.
Herren’s presentation “unguarded” will be presented at 12:15 p.m. in the Herricks High School gymnasium and is crafted specifically for a young audience, Herricks assistant basketball coach Dan Doherty said.
Following this, will be a second presentation at 7.p.m. in the auditorium where Herren will present ways in which to tell if a child is struggling with drug addiction, Doherty said.
“It’s a very moving and powerful presentation,” he said.