I soundly agree with what Esther Confino said in Readers Write, December 7, 2012 “ ‘Death Panels’ save money, Suffering” though I do prefer ‘humanitarian panels.’
We as egos have been in existence through eons of time. Our life did not begin with our being born into our present temporary sojourn in this physical realm nor does it end when we leave. We pass through each of these ‘lives’ to gain knowledge and experience.
When it happens that due to accident or illness that we cannot continue under our own power and when there is no reasonable hope for recovery, the destiny has arrived and is such that the time has come. It does cause suffering to an individual to artificially prolong the inevitable.
The medical profession cannot be trusted to regulate its ethics. The easy money of Medicare is too much of a temptation. Those others creating the humdrum are deranged minds and one wonders what evil drives them.
Lastly, I would not misspell your name. I know that you are not a chemical derivative.
Charles Samek