Great Neck Library Board President Janet Esagoff wants everyone to become: “an informed member of the public.” That was her message in the May issue of the library paper.
They do not keep us informed. They hide spending items in their vacuous budget. For three years they budgeted for positions that had no people 2008, 2009, 2010. Look it up in You will get a better idea of what goes on at their board meetings than if you read the official sanitized minutes.
There have never been ‘all items listed’ and no reference to 40 percent overruns at the station location. Or the $800,000 of professional fees not found in other past annual budgets. A lot of murky mud to wade through before you vote ‘no’ as Jan Swirsky suggests. I understand that they have hired a PR firm. I do not see money budgeted for that.
Dr. Norman M Roland
Great Neck
Diplomat, American Board of Endodontics,