On Thursday, Jan. 24, I was present in the Great Neck Traffic Court.
Fifteen to 20 traffic cases were presented to the court. Most of them dealing with the offense of passing a school bus.
In all cases the defendant was found guilty and the decision of the court was based on the testimony of the officer involved. This court was not a place for justice, but a kangaroo court to replenish the treasury of Great Neck.
Frustration was felt by all those attempting to plead their case and the fines deemed by the court were excessive. The opportunity to appear in court and be heard by a judge of the court should provide equal justice for both sides. No one is 100 percent correct all the time. Fair and equal treatment should be a priority of the court. I feel that the court has abused its power.
My case was heard by Judge Richard Kestenbaum. These are the facts: I was driving west on Cutter Mill Road. The officer was driving east on Cutter Mill Road. There was a truck parked perpendicular to the curb. A school bus was stopped in front of the truck and not visible to me. The officer claims the school bus was parked east of the truck and visible to me.
I have travelled Cutter Mill Road for over 40 years and never passed a school bus.
I will finish my statement with one simple remark. Is the official so infallible as to never be in error and why is no defendant ever correct in traffic court?
Robert Draper
Great Neck