While volunteering with the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Little League and other organizations is a noble display of public service, on March 15 our concern should be whom can best serve the Village of East Williston.
Caroline DeBenedittis has volunteered for multiple organizations but most importantly she has served our village for the past 11 years. She started as a member of the recreation committee and then went on to chair the committee. Not only has she been involved in planning wonderful events for the adults and children of our village, she has carefully navigated the politics as well. Caroline is often seen at board meetings raising concerns and questioning agendas.
It was Caroline who single-handedly fought for the safety of the residents within our village, seeing the dangers of crossing East Williston Avenue to get to the park. She spearheaded a campaign to put a crosswalk on East Williston Avenue to ensure the safety of children and parents trying to walk between the Richard Camp Park at Devlin Field and the library.
After discussing this a number of times in a public forum with little success, Caroline went further and obtained over 400 signatures conveying her concerns and had them acknowledged.
Caroline does not have a political agenda in becoming trustee. She has the betterment of the village and the safety of the residents in mind.
Caroline is an independent thinker who is not afraid to confront and challenge adversity. We need a person on our board that will put the residents of this community ahead of following the status quo. We need a leader who is not swayed by the popular opinion.
I wholeheartedly support her nomination for East Williston trustee because she has put the safety and well-being of our residents first. Her commitment to public service is an example we should all follow.
Eileen Leccese
East Williston