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Curran launches two websites outlining upcoming road work and road jurisdictions

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran launched two new websites last Wednesday: one outlines which roads have and will be repaved in the county and the other breaks down municipality ownership of roads within Nassau County.

Both websites are interactive and were developed by the county’s Department of Public Works and I.T. Department to provide residents and local municipalities with a visual update on the county’s Road Resurfacing Program.

As part of the county’s road program, the Department of Public Works expects to repave 200 lane miles of county roads, which represents a 177 percent increase over the amount of resurfacing work conducted in 2017.

The resurfacing program is funded with $65 million from the county’s capital plan that was approved in April.

“Investing in our infrastructure is a priority and with over 1,500 county-owned lane miles in Nassau, we have a lot of work to do,” the county executive said. “It is a basic function of government that has been neglected for too long.”

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The Department of Public Works has started repaving work, and notifications of any changes to the planned resurfacing work will be posted to

Residents can decipher which municipality to file reports to on road issues, such as potholes or worn pavement markings, from the website

“Feedback from residents helps DPW identify priorities in their Road Resurfacing Program,” Curran said. “With 64 villages, three towns and two cities the road jurisdictions within Nassau County can create roadblocks to addressing concerns.”

Curran’s office said that in the future, the website will list the designated municipality’s phone number in order to streamline communication.

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