As the saying goes “no good deed goes unpunished.”
Chris Christie’s performance during Sandy and the nor’easter brought out the worst where it would be expected. He certainly did his duty and does not need anything from the detractors. His pedestal is firm. He will do well.
It has been some time since a lady in the interior of Ecuador who as was said does not speak Spanish or English took on Texaco for polluting her areas water supply. She succeeded in her case. Have courage. Justice can be had.
Perhaps Bill Thompson will become mayor of New York City this time. I consider that he would be a fine mayor. It was an injustice to him how it happened before. He would have the grace to reside in the provided mansion.
Recently on The PBS News Hour a man who should know better said that Hamid Korzai is nuts. If Mr. Korzai’s presentation of himself represents the varied and difficult situation he is responsible for, it is understood. I have noticed that his English is quite good. I doubt that the man mentioned before can speak Afgan. If he could, his understanding might be better.
It has happened again that after the horse is stolen and in this case a lock is attempted to be put on the door. The word that has reached me is that the tragedy in Newtown and also Columbine was committed with family owned weapons. In the Newtown case it cost the owner her life. In these two cases had the weapons been secured, it may not have happened. A tamper proof apparatus to prevent the use of a weapon is not difficult to use and surely not expensive. In all the hoopla recently, not one word has been spoken about the ‘right to bear secured arms.’ Don’t be fooled, a pump shotgun can do tremendous damage and that would not be banned.
In newsprint these days one reads these preposterous statements that to say that Israel owns Wall Street would seem mild.Unbelievable. It is as if these statements are created ‘spin doctor’ fashion.
One catch phrase these days is kicking the can down the road. How about kicking some ‘cans off The Hill for a change?
Now that it is law in Colorado and Washington that one can have their pot and smoke it too, it will be well to see what the results will be over time; at least until the next election. Will there be any adverse consequences over time from this new liberty?
Life these days is good and easy. As a child, when my mother wanted to give me a bath, if it had not been done, someone would have to go outside even in freezing winter and pump a pail of water by hand. Then if it was not already burning, a fire would have to be built in the wood burning kitchen range to heat up the water. I got my bath in a galvanized metal tub. No one
I remember had a bathroom. Now, just turn the knob and the hot water is there. Just set it up, flip a switch and the robot makes your morning coffee. I don’t see that anyone these days is really suffering even if they are well below the poverty level.
Yeah, right! If the minimum wage was $12.00 per hour or even $15 to be equitable, everyone would have some left over after paying the rent and buying food. This would be at least partially spent in local businesses and returned in kind for the extra expense of having a business. Our currency is not so devalued as some older currencies such as the Italian Lira but it is on its way. As a teenager I could get about a dollar an hour for work.
Charles Samek
Note to the editor: News is the plural of new and olds is the plural of old. ‘Old new(s)’ is sort of a misnomer.