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Comments taken out of context

We are lucky that we have the privilege of living in a society where the press is unfettered, and the open exchange of ideas, pro and con, are the cornerstone of our democracy.

I think you would also agree that those freedoms should go hand in hand with a degree of responsibility. There were many things which your newspaper could have chosen to write about after attending our Village Board of Trustees meeting in January.

Instead, you took statements out of context and mischaracterized entire conversations. Your headline and overall implication was that the tenor of our meeting was one where we criticized our neighboring villages and their officials. This in fact could not be further from the truth.

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One would be hard pressed to find a community with a greater degree of inter-municipal cooperation than the villages on the Great Neck peninsula. It is to the detriment of the residents and officials of all the villages to print stories which could be construed as designed to foster ill will. You can and should do better.

Susan Lopatkin

Mayor, Village of Kensington

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