Columnist is one of GN’s great resources

Columnist is one of GN’s great resources

Karen Rubin is the reason I subscribe to The Great Neck News.

She is cogent, objective, clear headed, she researches, has every fact at her fingertips and above all she is fair. She attends all the meetings that concern our community and her play-by-play narrative is not only fact driven but she gives you the history that led up to that moment.

She is a citizen in the truest sense, in the manner of our first Americans who created the 13 colonies. She has the passion, the keen interest and the determination to make Great Neck a worthy place, a proud place.

Those who inveigh against her are blinded not only by their lack of vision, but by what I call their “band-aid” approach in repairing instead of reconstructing our wonderful library. These “others” do not go to every meeting instead, they believe all the gossip about the current issues thereby harboring myths, and are superior in sustaining and passing these lies on.

Tell me, what American citizen, who takes pride in our democratic process, would stand up at a library meeting, a public place and in Black Shirt voice and stance, without the use of the ballot box, demand in Mussolini like tones that any member of the library board who voted for the referendum, (all but two did) and demand that they resign.

Is this our democratic process? Is this the way courts are run? And he continued to not merely harass the board but to bully them. Yes, bully them !

This is an American citizen? This is a trusted carrier of the humane and democratic process? He ganged up on them, feeling safe with his henchmen behind him, none of them realizing that they were enacting in menacing tones the days of the Gestapo!

None of them understanding how their behavior had abandoned its core, what they had been nursed on. If they saw a film played back where they could see themselves, hear Norman Rutta’s words, I think many would be taken back as they had agreed to be led by someone who is, and I could only use one word, a bully. Who else demands, without the use of the vote, that people resign because they are exercising the job they were voted in to do.

And I have to add that if these very same people, who sound like a branch of the Tea Party, were in charge of Great Neck’s library when it originally started, when the monies were discussed for plans and building, if they were in charge, Great Neck would never have achieved the heights that it has. Great Neck would not be the Great Neck it is today.

Muriel Harris Weinstein

Great Neck

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