Boobs bar Hooters from new Nets arena

Boobs bar Hooters from new Nets arena

How disappointing that there are those narrow-minded people who are trying to prevent Hooters from opening up a branch in the downtown Brooklyn Barclays Arena neighborhood.  

Great Neck, New Hyde Park, Herricks, Williston Park, Garden City and other Nassau County residents attending future Nets games before or after will be looking for a place to eat.  After a long grueling day at work, Al Bundy just like many other hard working New Yorkers should be able to enjoy a hamburger, fries and brew served by an attractive waitress at this local Hooters.  Al can see far more “cleavage” on a hot summer day by just walking around the same adjacent neighborhood streets or local parks then at Hooters.  The franchise owners of Hooters provides gainful employment to construction contractors and their employees building their local establishments.

 The owners of your local Hooters pay taxes like the rest of us.  They also provide gainful employment to cooks, bartenders and waitresses along with those who deliver beverage and food supplies.  Many are actually students working their way through college or one of the 9 percent of fellow New Yorkers currently out of work.  All are neighbors, who also pay taxes and are just trying to earn a living.  Many customers are also neighbors patronizing the establishment on a voluntary basis.

How disappointing to see that so called progressive liberal communities such as Park Slope, Brooklyn have thrown their lot in with the so-called Moral Majority social police and politically extreme reactionary conservatives who attempt to use government rules and regulations to impose their own moral values on others.  

For those who don’t like Hooters, please feel free to patronize one of the many other overpriced “trendy” or yuppie establishment. You are welcome to pay more for a far less satisfying meal.  This is the basic nature of free enterprise and how life works in a free society.   Consumers are free to make their own individual decisions and choices on a voluntary basis to select which establishment they desire to patronize and spend their money.   

What consenting adults consume, inhale, perform, read  or view in the privacy of their own home, private social or adult club along with what restaurant to eat in isn’t the concern of government.

Individual economic and civil liberties prosper best when government stays out of  the bedroom, marketplace and your local resturants.

Larry Penner

Great Neck

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