I have a simple question. Is Elizabeth Berney an American citizen or an Israeli citizen?
Given her constant criticism of anything that is not pro Israel leads me make that inquiry.
If she is an American citizen and feels so strongly about Israel them she should move there and become an Israeli citizen. If she is in fact an American citizen then she should start to concern herself with what is best for America because this is where she lives in security, and, I assume, comfort and prosperity.
Foreign policy requires an even and balanced approach so everything we do in the Middle East should not be only what is best for Israel but instead what is best for the United States.
Has it occurred to her and others like her why we have had the problems we do in the Middle East? I suggest that it is since day one, we have not had that fair and balanced approach.
Of course at this stage of the game Israel certainly has a right to exist but at what cost to the United States.
I applaud Chuck Hagel and those like him who have the guts to say and act for what they feel is in United States interest and not bow to lobbyist interest. He is a great choice for secretary of state.
Ms. Berney’s pro-Israel blinders blocks the fact that the Obama administration has given more aid financially and militarily to Israel than any other previous administration, for example the iron dome, which was so effective against Hamas missiles.
Finally I wish she would give us all a break from her weekly Obama critiques as it has become really boring. As I have written before in this publication “get over it.”
President Obama and the choice’s of his administration are here to stay for the next four years so move on to something more constructive.
John Nahas
Great Neck