A traitor is in the eyes of the beholder

A traitor is in the eyes of the beholder

There is at present the discussion regarding the use of drones by the U. S. Government. It is long established that a citizen attempting to overthrow one’s government is a traitor and the crime is treason. In the eyes of the British, our founding fathers were traitors. 

As Ben Franklin said, “If we don’t hang together, we will hang separately.” What is the difference of using a drone, a rope or an axe? Who knows what else the British had in their dungeon?

Freedom of the press is an established principle. There is the attempt to compel our local newspapers to edit the submitted material according to the wishes of a few.

Recently, an individual made a donation of $1 billion, which makes him appear generous and benevolent.

It is most likely that riding the backs of the many who through their daily labor really created this wealth though they receive no credit. Perhaps, with new taxes kicking in it was decided to make a donation rather than pay taxes.

It is assumed that this donation went on a one-way ticket but who knows how much went round trip.

In St.Augustine Beach, Fla. is a gift shop that doubles as a post office. I don’t know if this is the only branch in this town but it is a way that the U.S. Postal service can cut expenses in outlying areas. 

It also seems only fair that each piece of junk and political mail we receive would show just how much was paid to deliver it. At least there would be transparency. As it is, who knows what ‘deals’ might be being cut and who might be benefiting.

Sen. John McCain among others are for sending troops into Syria or supplying weapons. 

They should be the first to go rather than enjoying the comfort of home while others are given a possible death sentence or of being maimed for life. One  wonders which is worse. It is also those same who complain that weapons fell into the wrong hands with the ‘fall’ of Libya and seem to forget that it was decided that there would be no U.S. military on the ground there. 

We can feel for the victims in Syria but we cannot do the wrong things. I can’t here go into a lengthy discussion of what the wrong things are. 

Just an added comment: If my recollection is correct, the U.S. could not sell weapons, etc. to Syria but we sold them to the British who could.


Charles Samek


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