A thank you to voters for their support

A thank you to voters for their support

Thank you for voting on Election Day. Participating in the electoral process is the cornerstone of democratic government and community action. 

That being said, I am especially grateful for those who voted for me, recognizing that my actions as your Assemblywoman are driven by a  love of community, a strong belief in our governmental system, and compassion for those in need –-which frankly cuts across all demographics. 

I have always believed that hard work, some sacrifice, persistence coupled with patience will help us achieve the goals we want for ourselves, our children and our New York State.  

With the impact of Hurricane Sandy still being felt throughout our area as families still struggle to recover I appreciate that my constituents took the time to go to the polls. 

As always, please feel free to contact my District Office at 516-482-6966 if I can be of any further assistance. I will continue to work each day with you always in my thoughts.


Michelle Schimel

Member of Assembly

16th Assembly District 

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