Floral Park board approves fire truck purchase, firehouse renovations

Floral Park board approves fire truck purchase, firehouse renovations

The Floral Park Board of Trustees voted to approve the purchase of a new firetruck for the Atlantic Firehouse and to approve a contract to renovate the firehouse during last Tuesday’s meeting.

The 32-foot fire truck will come from the New Hyde Park-based Neville Apparatus Corp.

It will cost the village $758,247.

The new truck replaces the current one, which is almost 25 years old, Trustee Lynn Pombonyo said.

Pombonyo also said the new truck will accommodate a 22-foot ladder, two feet higher than the current truck’s capability.

Pomponyo said it will take about a year for the truck to arrive.

The board also approved a $417,552 contract to renovate the firehouse, allowing the new truck to fit inside.

The contract was awarded to Bellmore-based Kenco Designs.

Renovations include widening the firehouse’s garage doors and pushing the interior wall back six feet, Pombonyo said.

Pombonyo said the truck isn’t wider, but this will provide more safety as the truck pulls out and backs in.

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