4th graders beautify Steppingstone

4th graders beautify Steppingstone

Since spring is in full bloom, magnificent bursts of color are popping up everywhere, and Steppingstone Park is no exception. 

Approximately 100 fourth grade Saddle Rock Elementary School students rolled up their sleeves and participated in a planting event to enhance Steppingstone Park on Monday, May 13. 

In attendance were Sarah Barbarotto and Jennifer Green , the two Saddle Rock School teachers, who organized the hands-on program, Saddle Rock principal Eric Nezowitz, Nassau Legislator Judi Bosworth (D-Great Neck) and Great Neck Park District commissioners Ruth J. Tamarin, Robert A. Lincoln Jr. and Daniel M. Nachmanoff, Superintendent Peter M. Renick, Deputy Superintendent Lisa Goldberg, Steppingstone park supervisor Curtis Phillips and park district staff Lucio Aguilar, Peter Ojemke, Curtis Philips, Anthony Bush, William Machado and Patrick Britain.

The event was designed to teach the children about the environment, giving them an appreciation for Mother Nature. It makes one proud to plant something, nurture it and watch it grow. The flowers planted will enhance the landscape for all park visitors to enjoy.

The prepared park district staff provided the flowers and their skillful expertise. 

Park supervisor, Curtis Phillips, guided the children as they excitedly put on rubber gloves, grabbed a hand shovel and began to dig. Along with five other Park District staff members, Curtis directed the children on where and how to plant the flowers. The teachers from Saddle Rock School, as well as a number of parents who chaperoned, were all on hand to offer assistance to the children. 

Of course, the park administration and Principal Nezowitz, were ready to give some tips, if necessary. 

Bosworth reminisced about her own children, who attended Saddle Rock a “few” years ago and couldn’t have been happier to see the children’s excited faces as they participated in this “feel good” event.

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