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11 officials elected in 3 Port villages

All 11 candidates running for election in the villages of Port Washington North, Flower Hill and Baxter Estates on Tuesday ran unopposed. All 11 won, including eight trustees, two justices and one mayor. 

In Port Washington North, Village trustees Steven Cohen and Michael Malatino were re-elected for two-year terms. Cohen won with 29 votes and Malatino won with 31 votes. Both positions pay $1,500 a year. 

Cohen said he ran for re-election because he’s passionate about Port Washington North and quality of life. 

“People move to Port Washington for a reason,” Cohen said. “The reason they come here is for a quality of life.”

He said one of his major accomplishments in office so far is the restoration of the Bay Walk, with phase two already being developed for this summer. 

In Flower Hill, trustees Randall Rosenbaum, Karen Reichenbach and Gary Lewandowski were re-elected as well as Mayor Elaine Phillips and Village Justice Dennis Reisman. All board positions are unpaid, according to village administrator Ronnie Shatzkamer. 

Lewandowski, who won with 41 votes, said he ran for village trustee again in order to continue to work with the mayor and board of trustees in pursuing their goals of running an efficient, transparent and supportive local government while also enhancing and protecting the beauty and livability of the Flower Hill community.  

“I am very proud to be associated with the current administration which has responsibly managed the village budgets for the last several years and has kept tax bills in check,” Lewandowski said. 

Reisman was elected as village justice with 44 votes. This was his first time running after being appointed Village Justice by Phillips after Justice Bruce Byrne moved out of the village and resigned his position.

Prior to his appointment, Reisman had served as acting justice for five years, filling in for Byrne when he was not available. 

“I plan on fulfilling my duties as Justice and dispensing justice in the Village fairly and treating all who come before me with respect,” Reisman said after he was re-elected. 

Phillips was re-elected a third term as mayor with 46 votes. 

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“We truly appreciate the people that took the time to come out, and those that didn’t but have supported us all this time,” Phillips said after finding out the results.

She said her plans include updating the village website and get more online, to help residents fill out forms.

“Away from paper and more online,” Phillips said. 

She also said one of problem areas in the village is the traffic along Port Washington Boulevard and wants to use traffic cones on Port Washington Boulevard to help reduce congestion. 

Reichenbach, who was re-elected to a two-year term in the Village of Flower Hill with 42 votes, said she has represented the residents of the village fairly and with integrity and will continue to do so. 

“I have faithfully carried out my duties to the village for two terms,” Reichenbach said. “Experience in village governance is important to maintain momentum. Right now, we have a great group of trustees anchored by an excellent mayor. We all make every effort to represent our residents in an honest and straightforward manner. Each of us brings different skills to the board, which results in a good balance of knowledge and experience. The Village of Flower Hill is in good hands.”

Reichenbach added she will start planning for the 2016 Arbor Day Event.  

“We will be planting a tree in an island within the community in honor of Arbor Day and our Tree City USA commitment,” Reichenbach said. 

Randall Rosenbaum was re-elected for village trustee with 43 votes. 

In Baxter Estates, trustees Douglas Baldwin and Alice Peckelis were re-elected to two-year terms. 

Baldwin had 37 votes and Peckelis 40. Current trustee Christopher A. Ficalora was re-elected for an unexpired term with 38 votes, and Justice Elizabeth Kase was re-elected a four-year justice term with 40 votes. 

There were three write-ins.


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