The Sewanhaka Board of Education honored three administrators for awards they’ve recently received during Tuesday’s meeting.
Superintendent Ralph Ferrie and Elmont Memorial High School Principal Kevin Dougherty were recognized for receiving the Nassau BOCES Education Partner Award.
Ferrie and Dougherty will receive their awards at Nassau BOCES Educational Foundation’s 12th Annual Education Partner Awards Gala on April 11.
Regina Agrusa, assistant superintendent for pupil personnel and special education services, was also recognized for receiving SCOPE’s Administrator Service Award.
Agrusa will be honored at SCOPE’s 17th annual School District Awards Dinner on March 19.
Before the meeting, the board also honored athletes, teams and coaches from across the district for successes during the fall season.
During the meeting, Ferrie also announced that the 2018-19 calendar has been approved, and the district has secured Hofstra University for the 2019 graduation dates.
The graduations will be held on June 29 and 30.