James Grossane, the Sewanhaka Central High School District’s new superintendent, was introduced to the community on Tuesday at the Board of Education meeting.
“It’s a wonderful, wonderful place to be,” he said in an interview. “I’m very excited to be here. I know the district does wonderful things.”
For now, he said, he wants to observe what’s going on and “see what we’re doing.” Grossane completed his undergraduate education at Hofstra University, received his master’s from Adelphi University and received his doctorate from Columbia University.
He succeeds Ralph Ferrie, who said farewell to the district’s high schools at their graduation ceremonies in June.
Grossane said he was principal of the Franklin Square Elementary School in the late 1990s and said that it’s great to be home.
At the meeting board President David Del Santo was re-appointed for his third term. On his new term, Del Santo said after the meeting, “It’s like riding a bike.”
During the meeting, Grossane introduced himself to attendees and delivered his first update.
Michael Jaime, vice president of the board, suggested having both the Floral Park and Elmont high schools have graduations on the same day next year.
The board also approved changes regarding student vaccination policy after state health law changes denied a religious exemption for student vaccination requirements.