New Hyde Park unveils new Assembly Hall courtroom

New Hyde Park unveils new Assembly Hall courtroom
(l to r) The new and old versions of Assembly Hall in New Hyde Park's Village Hall. (Photos courtesy of the Village of New Hyde Park)

The new Assembly Hall in New Hyde Park is one of many renovations the village has undertaken in 2022. 

Residents will be able to see the modernized courtroom that embodies the charm and age of the village hall’s existing structure, Mayor Christopher Devane said. 

“In embracing the age of the building, we’ve actually revealed the beautiful architecture that was here 1905,” Devane said. 

Originally built as a schoolhouse, the village took it over in 1932, Devane said.

Previously known as village hall’s courtroom, Assembly Hall will be open to the public on Thursday, July 28, for the village’s first board of trustees meeting after the renovations were completed earlier this month.

Since construction began March 3, the Board of Trustees’ activities and courtroom business have taken place next door in Marcus Christ Hall, which is due to be knocked down to make way for a new community center.

In June, the village unveiled three new “labors of love,” as Devane put it, at Memorial Park, including the Donald Barbieri Dog Park, new bocce court and restructured memorial.  

There is still a lot of work to be done in the village, but Devane said he is proud of the progress thus far. 

“We have a lot to do because our infrastructure has needed some help,” Devane said. “We’re very happy that these things are coming into fruition and we’re checking things off the checklist.”

Assembly Hall now features its original tin ceilings after the previous drop ceiling panels were removed and the wooden chairs were unbolted from the floor. The current wood floor was filled in where the chairs previously stood and had its varnished removed, revealing its original colors. 

New window panels were also installed alongside a fresh paint job, new dais and lighting.

In the hallway, ceiling tiles were also removed to reveal the 13-foot-9 archways from the building’s first inception. 

On the outside of village hall, a new sign was placed above the front door that is lit up at night. 

New Hyde Park’s new sign outside Village Hall. (Photo courtesy of the Village of New Hyde Park)

Next week, the village is redoing the tiles in the basement, which had wainscotting installed as part of an eagle scout project and new paint on the walls, first floor and second floor which Devane expects to be completed in August. 

Devane also said renovations for the clerk’s office and building department will begin in August. 

Outside village hall, the memorial was re-done which includes the addition of a rock that features the names of individuals who have given their lives during service, new landscaping and lighting.

Devane said he is “a little ambitious” but hopes to have the new children’s playground, which will be excavated in early October, at Memorial Park by the end of the calendar year and excavate Marcus Christ Hall in November and start construction on the 95-year-old DPW facility by the new year. 

Devane thanked everyone that has helped and is helping rebuild the village’s infrastructure, specifically Building Superintendent Binu Pillay. 

“Although we’ve come a long way we still have quite a ways to go and we’re going to tackle all of it,” Devane said.

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