Floral Park Board of Trustees meeting reports for Sept. 19

Floral Park Board of Trustees meeting reports for Sept. 19

Inc. Village of Floral Park

Board of Trustees Reports

September 19, 2023


Deputy Mayor Lynn Pombonyo

Police Department

INTEROPERABILITY and SPEED OF KNOWING are two of the key features that Lieutenant Tom McCarthy of our FPPD uses to describe the significant advantages that the Department’s newly upgraded radio communications/dispatch systems offer.

The FPPD has six Dispatchers who, one at a time, work twelve-hour shifts. They coordinate all FPPD communications including community calls for fire and emergency assistance. The Dispatchers also interact with other agencies outside Floral Park.

The dispatch area contains two state-of-the-art stations (one for the Dispatcher and the other, for possibly the Commissioner, Lieutenants or Sergeants to monitor situations and/or communicate with other agencies). Large monitor displays of digitized maps; vital sources of data relating to Police working in the field; the status and history of crimes and convicted individuals; and other relevant information, often needed in emergencies, are accessed quickly and efficiently. Another large touchscreen monitor provides single or multiple access to communication with significant partner agencies. There is touchscreen access to our FPPD officers; Firecom (dispatching and coordinating fire and emergency communications for all of Nassau County’s Fire Departments); the Nassau County Police Department (including the NCPD helicopter); and other FPPD personnel. Thus, our Dispatchers can communicate with FPPD officers and Firecom simultaneously for fire and rescue calls, reducing redundancy and time; or, communicate with FPPD and NCPD when both Departments are directly involved in or need to be kept abreast of relevant events. FPPD’s touchscreens and one microphone now replace our former radio communications system that required Dispatchers to speak through multiple microphones, one for each agency, not ideal in today’s technological world.

FPPD’s research on up-to-date, integrated radio communications systems and CAD (computer-assisted dispatch) began a number of years ago and included a thorough review of the literature, conversations with related companies and other Police Departments, demonstrations of the equipment and their features, and visits to Departments as far away as Rockland County and New Jersey to view their systems in operation.

New York State grants have partially funded the new systems and additional shared services funding is in progress.

Lieutenant McCarthy emphasizes the fact that the radio communication system and CAD are simply faster when speed is critical, which is almost always the case for our FPPD.

Another FPPD technology upgrade is the Live Scan program. Fingerprinting is digitized, enabling multiple law enforcement agencies to share the prints and exchange information about individuals, warrants, and criminal history in real time, and then act upon it. This critical upgrade was about 75% grant funded.

Yet another very effective and user-friendly FPPD communication device is the Department’s Facebook page. Refer to it for interesting Floral Park happenings, reports of Police involved incidents taking place, and personal and neighborhood safety tips. Thank you FPPD for keeping us safe, informed, and current with police science and best practices. Please be safe out there!

Chambers of Commerce and Our Businesses

After a hugely popular and successful Belmont Stakes Street Fair in June, the Floral Park Chamber of Commerce held its first very well-attended meeting of 2023-24, led by President Marie Grant. At this time, the Chamber members are voicing their very strong and enthusiastic support for continuing their Friday night before the Belmont Stakes Street Fair in June 2024. We’ll keep the details coming, so stay tuned.

Meanwhile, over on Covert Avenue, big preparations are underway for the Covert Avenue Chamber of Commerce Street Fair, taking place on Saturday, October 14th, led by President Rene Jorglewich. This week’s Street Fair preview highlights include a craft fair, face painting, big prize raffles, and lots of fun for families and children.

Support our two Chambers of Commerce and our businesses, and SHOP, DINE AND HAVE FUN LOCAL right here at home!

Conservation Society (FPCS)

We were happy to see everyone back at Centennial Gardens and Bird Sanctuary after last Monday afternoon’s flooding deluge of rain. Happily, two to three feet of water receded by the next day and, gratefully, we thank all those who participated in the clean-up process. The water from the Nassau County recharge basin, located near the Carnation/Raff Avenues intersection, contained large amounts of straw, twigs, weeds and silt which have been painstakingly removed by Parks Superintendent Kurt Meyfohrt and staff members Don Haug, Walter Dreyer, Tom Gill, Joann Deeks and others, FPCS president Dennis McEnery with the dedicated volunteers, Con-Kel Landscaping, and friends.

Appreciation also goes to Department of Public Works Superintendent Kevin Ginnane, Supervisor Kevin Pearsall, Supervisor Kevin Roe, and their staff for their expertise and skill with interior roadway, pathway and irrigation repairs. Supporting our beautiful Gardens takes a lot of dedicated people and a lot of hard work.

And now, the Gardens coming attractions: Fall in and around the Gardens. Take in nature’s seasonal changes and spectacular fall colors as you walk around the Gardens and admire it all from up close inside. And the Fairie Forest Festival returns on Saturday, October 28th. Volunteer and visit this magical place. See Ann Moynagh’s bright and colorful Floral Park Centennial Gardens Facebook page for the Festival and Family Fairie House contest details.

Celebrate Fall in our very picturesque Village and Gardens!

Trustee Frank Chiara

Fire Department

In the last couple of weeks, our Village Volunteer Fire Department is mourning the loss of four of their valued Members. These individuals served the department for many years offering their service, wisdom, and guidance to other members while performing their volunteer service within our community.

  • Chief Mike Ostipikwo, served 51 years as a member of the Rescue Company
  • Chief Frank Wakely, Sr., served 60 years in the Active Company
  • James J Norman, Jr., a firefighter who served for many years in the Active Company
  • Joseph Reardon, an EMT, who was a member of the Rescue Company

These four volunteers highlight the dedication to service that members of the Floral Park Fire Department so proudly portray.

On behalf of the Village of Floral Park, we extend our condolences to the families of these esteemed members. We thank them for supporting their loved ones while they dedicated themselves to volunteering with the Floral Park Fire Department. They will always have our gratitude and thanks for their many years of service and their contribution to making our community safe and a great place to live. May they rest in peace and continue to look over us all.

At the last Fire Council meeting it was announced that Rescue Company Member Venetia Chiara has completed the fire service school and is now a certified firefighter.  This increases the number of Rescue Members to six who hold both the certifications as volunteer EMT’s and Firefighters for our department.  Congratulations Venetia and thank you for your service to our Village.

The Department has completed 2 weeks of their annual fire school training. They will be conducting fire drills at our Village schools on October 13, 2023.


Every year Nassau County has a program inviting library patrons to tour the 58 libraries in Nassau County. When a patron completes the tour, their name is entered into a raffle for a prize. The theme for this year’s program was “all together now”.  Kelly from the Floral Park Library staff designed the logo for the 2023 program which was used by all the Nassau libraries.

Our Floral Park Library was visited by 576 patrons and the common comment received from the visitors was how friendly our library was.  Not surprising! Our library staff, led by Pat Eren, does a fantastic job.

On Saturday 9/23 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM the 4th Annual Lawn Sale will take place on the library lawn. The rain date for this event is Sunday 9/24 from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM.  Nearly fifty individuals have signed up for spaces to sell their crafts, books, old items, and new items.  All are invited to come, browse, and purchase items in support of this event.

On Wednesday 9/27 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM the library is hosting a Nassau County Property Tax Exemption Workshop.  This event is sponsored by County Executive Bruce Blakeman’s Office. The workshop will help guide and answer questions on property tax exemption.  If interested, please register at www.floralparklibrary.org.

Trustee Jennifer Stewart

Department of Public Works

I would like to thank DPW for their efforts in preparing our Village’s two 9/11 Ceremonies. Without their behind-the-scenes work, we would not have such beautiful remembrances. I would also like to thank Village Clerk Susan Walsh for all she does to make sure our Remembrance is flawless.

The Highway Department has been sweeping and maintaining all Village roads, with potholes being filled, and faded street signs in various locations being replaced. Crews have repaired a damaged pathway in Centennial Gardens. The Parks Department maintained and weeded all Village parks, pocket parks, parking lots and all commercial areas.

The Sanitation Department has collected 70 tons of household waste, as well as 10 tons of paper, 7 tons of comingled plastics, and 15 tons of bulk rubbish. Our mechanics have been hard at work preparing our machinery for the leaf season along with general repairs and maintenance of all DPW and police department vehicles. The Maintenance Department cleaned and maintained all Village buildings and began hanging brackets and banners of our wonderful Veterans for display around the Village. Take a moment to really look at the banners…they are beautiful and a wonderful way to pay tribute to our Veterans.


This week the 4 Village Studio will feature various shows, such as: Author Corner with Stephanie Larkin presenting Deborah Burns and “The 7 Days – A Classic Nursery Rhyme Made New”; Wes Houston Presents, Wes presents Bryan Gallo, singer, songwriter, & artist; Uncorked with Rex Whicker – Mr. Whicker pairs his family’s automobiles with deserving wines; FPFD – Red Alert with Larry King, AEMT featuring Tenitris McInnis, Special Agent presenting “Federal Law Enforcement and the Fire Service; and lastly A Flashback of the Antique Road Test which was recorded in 2016.


The main line work originally planned for last weekend was canceled due to an MTA manpower issue. We expect work on the main line this coming weekend as well as the weekend of 9/30. The Village Board and Village Administrator Gerry Bambrick are working diligently to come to an agreement with the MTA regarding our outstanding issues with our 3rd Track MOU.

Trustee Michael Longobardi

Building Department

Centennial Hall demolition is complete and is awaiting the county site plan approval.  Once received, the developer is set to move forward starting the foundations.  County approval is still pending for the Covert Avenue fire property.  Foundation work will start approved. Taco Bell on Jericho Turnpike is complete and will open once staffing is finalized. The cleanup at the fire building at 266 Jericho Turnpike will continue a few more weeks.  Structural assessment of the building will be done after that.  No plans have been presented yet for the rebuild. Regarding the reports of no fire alarms or sprinklers that continue on News 12, the building predated those codes which were not required.  These items will be addressed as required based on the proposed future build. The new multi-purpose rink is now open for use.  There are some items to still address with the surfacing that will be performed in the spring.

Pool and Recreation

The fall activities and events are well underway.  We have two football leagues.  Titans Football started this past weekend and Youth Council Football will start in late October. Fall baseball, tennis and pickleball are up and running. The Soccer League is using our fields for practice during the week. Our new kickball league had a great response with 8 teams and over 900 people registered. The first games were played this past weekend. Screaming Eagles Hockey is back and will start the end of the month as they look forward to christening the new rink.  We also have various local organizations and three senior activity programs using our facilities.  In addition to sports, our recreation center will once again host the annual Liz’s Day on Saturday September 30th with a rain date of October 1st.  Come out and enjoy a great day with family and friends, and help support research to find treatments and a cure for Breast Cancer.  Our recreation center is very active in the fall offering something for everyone. Another reason Floral Park is a great place to live and raise a family.

Town-Village Aircraft Safety & Noise Abatement Committee (TVASNAC)

TVASNAC, the Town-Village Aircraft Safety & Noise Abatement Committee in the Town of Hempstead held its September meeting here in Fire Fighters’ Hall on Monday September 18th. This meeting was attended by over 80 residents from Floral Park and neighboring communities.  James Vilardi, Executive Director of TVASNAC, opened the meeting and turned it over to Floral Park Resident and committee member Andrew Weiss to run the meeting.  He began with an explanation of what the committee is and is not and then presented several ideas and issues they are currently addressing with the FAA to improve our quality-of-life issues with respect to planes and air traffic. It is important to note this committee is made up of fellow residents to advocate on our behalf to the FAA to improve our quality-of-life issues. The meeting was then opened to the residents to discuss their issues and ideas.  These ideas, while they may seem simple solutions, involve the FAA, a federal agency and the coordination among multiple agencies and our elected officials.  This Committee brings these ideas to the federal agencies and advocates on behalf of our residents to hopefully get the FAA to implement them and improve the air noise issues and our quality of life.  It is important that we as residents continue to file noise complaints with the FAA because the complaint numbers matter.  You can go to the TVASNAC page on the Town of Hempstead website, scroll down and click the links to submit a complaint to FAA and Port Authority. You can also call the FAA noise complaint Line at 1-800-225-1071 or reach out to our elected officials at every level asking them to advocate as well. The committee meets the 4th Monday of the month. The next meeting will take place Monday October 23rd, 7:00 PM at Cedarhurst Village Hall.

Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald

Before the start of the meeting, Mayor Fitzgerald held a moment of silence in honor two firefighters who passed away recently. Both Chief Frank Wakeley, Sr. and Joseph Reardon served for quite a long time as volunteer firefighters in the Floral Park Fire Department.

Mayor Fitzgerald expressed his appreciation to Andrew Weiss, Village of Floral Park’s liaison to TVASNAC. Andrew is a passionate and well-versed individual who used his expertise to educate the 80 plus residents who attended the September meeting. The next meeting of TVASNAC will be held on Monday, October 23rd, 7:00 PM at the Cedarhurst Village Hall. Visit their website at: https://hempsteadny.gov/521/Town-Village-Aircraft-Safety-Noise-Abate


He reminded everyone that the fence installation by NYRA at Belmont Park will continue when the new fencing is delivered. NYRA will also be planting arborvitaes along the mini berm that was constructed last spring.

He then reminded everyone that on October 5th, at the Recreation Center, the Westend Civic Association invited Glen Kozak of NYRA as a guest speaker at their monthly meeting to update the residents on the Belmont Park project.

The next Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, October 3, 2023.

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