Cheng’s decades of service to Floral Park comes to a close at last meeting

Cheng’s decades of service to Floral Park comes to a close at last meeting
Archie Cheng is not seeking re-election after three terms on the Floral Park Board of Trustees. Michael Longobardi will look to take his seat in March. (Photo by Samuele Petruccelli)

On Wednesday night, Floral Park Trustee Archie Cheng’s decades of service to the village came to a close. 

On Tuesday, Trustees Michael Longobardi and Jennifer Stewart were elected to their first full term. Cheng did not seek re-election for a third term after joining the board in 2016. 

Cheng, who has been a Floral Park resident since 1978, reflected on his past endeavors servicing Floral Park which included involvement in recreational leagues, the fire department, school boards, and village prosecutor, among others. 

“​​I truly have loved every minute spent trying to contribute in whatever small way I could so that Floral Park remains a great place to live and to raise a family,” Cheng said during his final board report. “I had the privilege to work and service so many pillars of our community.”

Before being appointed to the seat of the late Trustee James Rhatigan, Cheng was president of both the Floral Park-Bellerose and Sewanhaka school boards. 

Cheng said his six years on the board were possibly some of the hardest for the village, citing the village’s long standing opposition to the video casino at Belmont Park, going through environment assessments for the LIRR’s Third Track Project and the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We faced issues that could have disrupted our way of life,” Cheng continued. “I currently believe we did the best that we could to oppose these disruptions brought on by forces much more powerful than us.” 

Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald thanked Cheng for stepping into the board during a tough time for the village, echoing the former-trustee’s sentiments. 

“In December 2015 the village was suffering the loss of Trustee Rhatigan and in the middle of the casino issue and you came in, hit the ground running and you haven’t stopped,” Fitzgerald said. “Thank you for your decades of service to our village, your impact is amazing and you’ve affected the lives of 1000’s of residents.” 

Trustee Lynn Pombonyo thanked Cheng for his service to Floral Park, specifically for his previous capacity in the Floral Park-Bellerose and Sewanhaka districts.

“Archie, you have created the future for children,” Pombonyo said. “18 years as a board member and president of the Floral Park-Bellerose School District Board of Education while simultaneously serving as a board member and president of the Sewanhaka Central High School District for 15 years, you set their future off to one passionately and endlessly created. That will be your greatest gift and legacy forever.”

Trustee Frank Chiara, who called Cheng a mentor of his, also congratulated Cheng for the decades of commitment to the village.

“We cannot thank you enough for the years of service and dedication for this community,” Chiara said. “Your impact on us is overwhelming and endless and we thank you and your family for that.”

The newest trustee, Jennifer Stewart, was appreciative of Cheng for both is role on the school boards as well as the board of trustees, where the two sat next to one another.

“Thank you for your service for all the years before I even knew you and for your time on the school board when during meetings I would ask difficult questions and they would have an answer,” Stewart said. “I also thank you for the advice you always shared when we sit here, elbow to elbow.”

At the end of his remarks, Cheng implored village residents to take part and do whatever they can to make Floral Park the best that it can be. 

“I encourage every one of our residents to get involved in and participate in whatever way you can to preserve our way of life,” Cheng said. “Every one of us has talents, skills and passions and those traits, if utilized, will make for a better future for our village.”

Floral Park’s newest elected officials will be sworn in at the village’s reorganization meeting Monday, April 4 at the Village Hall Courtroom starting at 8 p.m.

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