The Village of Plandome Board of Trustees discussed on Tuesday the location for a future radar speed sign in the village.
Mayor M. Lloyd Williams said officials have come up with three village roads, all within feet of each other, where cars often speed: Brookside Drive, South Drive and North Drive.
“It’s people speeding to the train station that you’re trying to catch,” Trustee Andrew Bartels said during the work session Tuesday.
Village Clerk Elizabeth Kaye said on Brookside Drive, some residents have recommended that an ideal location would be somewhere south of the Village Green to protect children and pedestrians running across the street to and from the park.
Williams said cars can easily pick up speed on Brookside Drive before turning onto South Drive as well.
“South was one you should think of, too, because a resident always complained about drivers have a straight run down Brookside before South,” Williams said.
Kaye said the new sign would have software installed that can monitor how fast cars are going for the village to analyze.
“The one where you can get some data, I would say put on Brookside next,” Williams said.
Bartels said before a vote is made on the location of the sign, he wanted village residents’ input. The board meets at 8 p.m. Monday for a regular board meeting.