An online petition opposing an application to place 500 cubic yards of site fill at 1362 Plandome Road that its opponents say threatens Leeds Pond has received more than 250 signatures.
“An environmental assault is taking place that could destroy Leeds Pond and the surrounding environment. The destruction threatens the water, the diverse wildlife and their habitat, and the entire Leeds Pond ecosystem,” says the petition says, which began in May. “Recent development includes excavation, filling, clearing of trees and vegetation. Action must be taken NOW before irreparable damage is done!”
Chris Murray, a resident active in the opposition, said Leeds Pond has already been harmed by neighboring residents who have elevated their backyards and removed trees and bushes.
The village board of zoning appeals was scheduled to hold a public hearing to consider the application from 1362 Plandome Road LLC on Thursday.
The applicant is requesting permission to place 500 cubic yards of site fill, the use of soil, sand or other building materials to change the existing ground level of an area of land.
Village ordinances allow up to 50 cubic yards of site fill, according to the code.
Efforts to identify principals in 1362 Plandome Road LLC were unsuccessful.
The petition calls upon the village, North Hempstead – which owns the pond – Nassau County and the state Department of Environmental Conservation to preserve and protect the health of the pond.
At the time of publication, 249 people have signed the petition.
A website,, has also been created and is asking residents to spread the word and advocate for preserving the pond.
Leeds Pond is part of Nassau County’s 35-acre Leeds Pond Preserve, which overlooks Manhasset Bay. It is approximately 21.4 acres in size with a tributary watershed area of approximately 2,275 acres.