Munsey Park last Wednesday adopted a $1.5 million 2017-18 budget that includes a 2 percent tax increase to pay for road repavement on Inness Place and another road to be determined, Trustee Patrick Hance said.
The capital project will cost $325,000.
“Hopefully we will be able to afford to continue to make improvements,” Hance said. “One project at a time.”
Most of the village revenue will come from property taxes, and approximately $200,000 will come from building permit fees, Hance said.
The single largest expense in the budget is the village’s sanitation contract with Meadow Carting, which costs $450,000 annually.
“That contract is up this year,” Hance said.
Hance said the cost of salaries, pensions and benefits for the village’s five employees accounts for approximately $450,000.
The village will also pay $300,000 in debt service for a bond taken out seven years ago for a past roadwork project, Hance said.
He said that project repaired less than half of the village roads.
“Others need to be done,” he said.
Munsey Park Mayor Sean Haggerty was replaced in March by Frank DeMento, formerly a trustee.
Hance said the absence of Haggerty made “no change” to the budget process.
“I don’t want it to seem like we don’t miss him,” he said. “It was not a big deal. We have a process that continues.”