VILLAGE OF KINGS POINT NOTICE TO BIDDERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that sealed bids for a contract to provide tree trimming and related services will be received by the Village of Kings Point (the ìVillageĂ®) on Mondays through Fridays (except holidays) between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Village Hall, 32 Steppingstone Lane, Kings Point, New York 11024 until 11:00 a.m. on August 23, 2023, at which time they will be publicly opened and read  All bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, addressed to the Clerk-Treasurer of the Village of Kings Point and clearly  marked ìBID FOR TREE TRIMMING.î If a bid is accepted, the bidder shall attend at the office of the Counsel to the Village during normal business hours or at such other agreed time within ten calendar days after the date of notification of acceptance of its bid, and there sign the Contract for the work and furnish the required security and insurance documents. Attention of the bidders is directed to the requirements as to the conditions of equal opportunity employment. The Village reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities therein, and to accept the bid, which in its opinion, is in the best interests of the Village, to the extent permitted by law. Copies of the bid documents may be obtained at the Village Hall during normal business hours. By Order of the Board of Trusteesof the Village of Kings PointGomie Persaud, Village AdministratorDated: Kings Point, New York July 28, 2023                                    Â