NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Treasurer of the Inc. Village of East Hills has received a Warrant for the levy and collection of real property taxes for the Fiscal Year of 2018/19. Property taxes in the amounts listed on the Tax Roll are due and payable beginning June 1, 2018 through to and including the 1st day of July. Taxes are receivable at the office of the Village Treasurer, Village Hall, 209 Harbor Hill Road, East Hills, NY 11576 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, excepting Sats, Suns, and holidays.
To all taxes remaining unpaid after July 1, 2018, five per centum (5%) shall be added for the first month, and an additional amount of interest determined pursuant to Section
1432 and 924-a of the Real Property Tax Law for each month thereafter until paid.
Donna Gooch
Village Clerk-Treasurer
Inc. Village of East Hills
RT #148480
2X 05/25, 06/01/2018