TENTATIVE ASSESSMENT ROLL – INC. VILLAGE OF LAKE SUCCESS, 318 LAKEVILLE ROAD, GREAT NECK, NY 11020.†PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Assessor of the Incorporated Village of Lake Success, Nassau County, New York, has prepared the Tentative Assessment Roll of said Village for the fiscal year beginning June 1st, 2023 and ending May 31st, 2024.† A copy thereof has been filed with the Village Clerk at the Village Office, 318 Lakeville Road, Lake Success, New York, in said Village, where it may be seen and examined by any person at all times during the business hours, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, from February 1st, 2023 until February 21st , 2023.† On Tuesday, February 21th, 2023, in said Village, the Board of Review will meet between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of hearing complaints in relation thereto on the application of any person considering him/herself aggrieved thereby. Complaints must be filed with the Village Clerk on or before the 21st of February 2023, a statement, under oath, specifying the respect in which the assessment complained of is incorrect, which statement must be made by the person whose property is assessed, or by some person authorized to made such statement and who has knowledge of the facts stated therein. – Patrick Farrell , Village Administrator