SUPREME COURT: NASSAU COUNTY. HUNT BRESKY, AS EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF JEFFREY R. RUGGIERO AND HUNT BRESKY AS TRUSTEE OF THE JEFFREY R. RUGGIERO REVOCABLE TRUST, Pltf. vs. TINA RUGGIERO, Deft. Index #8191/15 Pursuant to interlocutory judgment authorizing partial partition and sale dated July 24, 2019, I will sell at public auction at Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on Oct. 8, 2019 at 11:00 am prem. k/a commonly 9 The Poplars, Roslyn Heights, NY a/k/a District 0100, Section 7, Block 254, Lot 11. Said property beginning at a point on the Easterly side of The Poplars, distant 305 ft. Northerly from the Northerly end of curve having a radius of 20 ft. and a length of 341.42 ft. which curve connects the Easterly side of The Poplars and the Northerly side of Diana’s Trail and from said point of beginning; being a plot 100 ft. x 120 ft. Approx. amount of judgment $675.990.38. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. ANTHONY J. FALANGA, Referee, c/o JASPAN SCHLESINGER, LLP, 300 Garden City Plaza, Garden City, NY #97557
RT #151819
4x 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27/​2019 #151819