The Annual Financial Report is hereby made by the HERRICKS UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT, Town of North Hempstead, New York for fiscal year ended June 30, 2022 pursuant to Section 1721 of the Education Law.GENERAL FUNDBalance 7/1/21, as restated:Â 23,472,573RevenuesReal property taxes:Â 96,884,938Other tax items-including STAR:Â 7,687,213Charges for services:Â 1,485,567Use of money and property:Â 723,399Sale of property and compensation for loss:Â 36,984Miscellaneous:Â 406,571Interfund revenue:Â 1,879State sources:Â 14,316,779Medicaid reimbursement:Â 133,098ExpendituresGeneral support:Â 15,058,415Instruction:Â 69,599,075Pupil transportation:Â 4,178,252Community service:Â 38,135Employee benefits:Â 27,793,354Debt service-principal:Â 3,360,399Debt service-interest:Â 1,037,390Other Financing Sources and (Uses)TAN premium:Â 41,860Operating transfers in:Â 336,348Operating transfers out:Â (1,305,510)Net Change in Fund Balance:Â (315,894)Balance 6/30/22:Â 23,156,679SPECIAL AID FUNDBalance 7/1/21:Â 0RevenuesMiscellaneous:Â 31,307State sources:Â 769,933Federal sources:Â 2,162,144ExpendituresInstruction:Â 3,329,745Community service:Â 1,099Other Financing Sources and (Uses)Operating transfers in:Â 367,460Net Change in Fund Balance:Â 0Balance 6/30/22:Â 0SCHOOL LUNCH FUNDBalance 7/1/21:Â (340,035)RevenuesSales:Â 434,033State sources:Â 25,788Federal sources:Â 1,963,875Surplus food:Â 151,507Miscellaneous:Â 856ExpendituresCost of cafeteria sales:Â 1,841,199Other Financing Sources and (Uses)Operating transfers in:Â 190,050Net Change in Fund Balance:Â 924,910Balance 6/30/22:Â 584,875MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDBalance 7/1/21:Â 306,072RevenuesUse of money and property:Â 48Miscellaneous:Â 328,402ExpendituresInstruction:Â 342,193Net Change in Fund Balance:Â (13,743)Balance 6/30/22:Â 292,329DEBT SERVICE FUNDBalance 7/1/21:Â 769,928RevenuesUse of money and property:Â 6,031Other Financing Sources and (Uses)Operating transfers out:Â (327,159)Net Change in Fund Balance:Â (321,128)Balance 6/30/22:Â 448,800CAPITAL FUNDBalance 7/1/21:Â 8,019,703ExpendituresCapital outlay:Â 5,298,547Other Financing Sources and (Uses)Operating transfers in:Â 748,000Operating transfers out:Â (9,189)Leases:Â 80,187Net Change in Fund Balance:Â (4,479,549)Balance 6/30/22:Â 3,540,154The full text of the Annual Report as filed with the State Education Department is available for public inspection at the Office of the District Clerk, Administration Building, 999 Herricks Road, New Hyde Park, N.Y. 11040 during normal school hours.By Order of the Board of EducationHERRICKS UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICTLisa Rutkoske, CPAAssistant Superintendent for Business