PUBLIC HEARING: Zoning Board of Appeals



Zoning Board of Appeals

Village of South Floral Park NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of South Floral Park will hold a Public Hearing on April 18, 2022, at 6:00 PM, in person or remotely, via videoconference as authorized pursuant to NYS  Legislation (S.50001/A.40001), for: 1. Application of Signature 1255 LLC, as owner of the premises at 11 Press Street, South Floral Park, New York, shown on Nassau County Land & Tax Map as Section 32, Block 347, Lots 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, and as contract vendee of a portion of the paper street known as Makofske Avenue in the Village, abutting Lot 23 to the south, for variance from Village Code Section 178-5.B., in connection with proposed installation of 18í, 1î wide driveway on previously undeveloped residential premises for which Applicant has a permit to construct a single family home; the lot width is 42í, so the proposed front yard paved surface width comprises 43% of lot width, where the aggregate width of paved areas for the parking or storage of motor vehicles shall not exceed 30% of lot width, or 12.6í on a 42í wide lot.  The Applicant must also seek approval for the associated curb cut from the Village Board of Trustees.†2. Application of Signature 1255 LLC, as owner of the premises at 9 Press Street, South Floral Park, New York, shown on Nassau County Land & Tax Map as Section 32, Block 347, Lots 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23, and as contract vendee of a portion of the paper street known as Makofske Avenue in the Village, abutting Lot 23 to the south, for variance from Village Code Section 178-5.B., in connection with proposed installation of two driveways to be served by two curb cuts, one 18í wide, and the other 10í wide, on previously undeveloped residential premises for which Applicant has a permit to construct a single family home; the lot width is 50í, so the proposed 28í aggregate width of front yard paved surface comprises 56% of lot width, where the aggregate width of paved areas for the parking or storage of motor vehicles shall not exceed 30% of lot width, or 15í on a 50í wide lot. The Applicant must also seek approval for the associated curb cuts from the Village Board of Trustees. The applications and plans are on file in the Village Office, 383 Roquette Avenue, South Floral Park, NY, and may be examined during business hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-4PM. The ìin-personî meeting will be held at United Methodist Church, 276 Louis Avenue in South Floral Park at 6:00 pm.† If it has been determined that the meeting will be a Zoom videoconference on April 18, 2022, at 6:00 PM, the following access number and code:† Join Zoom Meeting †Meeting ID: 838 2790 5553 Passcode: 330562 One tap mobile+19292056099,,83827905553#,,,,*330562# US (New York) All persons remotely accessing/attending the Public Hearing will be given an opportunity to be heard. Carlos Johnson, Chairman† Zoning Board of Appeals†Village of South Floral Park†March 29, 2022



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