Public hearing, Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Roslyn Estates


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Roslyn Estates on Wednesday, June 21, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall, 25 The Tulips, Roslyn Estates, New York 11576, to hear the following cases:
Case #596, the Application of Amir Ben-Levy and Elaine Forman Ben-Levy, as owners with regard to the premises at 2 The Fenway, Roslyn Estates, NY 11576, also known as Section 7, Block 2, Lot 43, on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map, in R-21 Residence District, for variances from Village Code Section 200-22(D), to expand an existing single family home to construct a new entrance portico, which would provide a front yard setback of only 28.5’, and a one-story kitchen extension, which would provide a front yard setback of only 37’, where a minimum front yard of 40’ is required.
Case #597, the Application of David and Jamie Garfinkel, as owners of premises at 96 The Intervale, Roslyn Estates, NY 11576, also known as Section 7, Block 43, Lot 287 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map, in a Village R-18 Residence District, for variances from Village Code Sections 200-14(E) and 200-14(G)(1), to expand an existing driveway appurtenant to a single family home, portions of which would create a driveway width of 18’, in excess of the maximum permitted width of 12’, portions of which would be located 7.08’ from the southern property line at the southeast corner, 4.2’ from the midpoint between the frontline of the house and the street, and 2.58’ from the south property line to the front drive entry, where no portion of a driveway or turnaround shall be closer to a side property line than 15 feet.
Case #598, the Application of Mitchell and Stephanie Lomazow, as owners of premises at 26 The Intervale, Roslyn Estates, NY 11576, also known as Section 7, Block 50, Lot 260 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map, in a Village R-21 Residence District, for variance from Village Code Section 200-11.2 (B), to expand an existing patio appurtenant to a single family home, portions of which would be set back only 3 feet from the northerly side property line, where no portion of a patio shall be closer to a side property line than 12 feet.
At time and place of public hearings, all persons will be given opportunity to be heard. Individuals wishing to review files may do so during Village business hours. Those persons planning to attend meeting and who require special accommodation because of disability should notify Village Clerk no less than 48 hours prior to meeting.
June 5, 2017
RT #146046
1x 06/09​/2017


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