PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: Board of Trustees Village of Thomaston



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held as to the following matters: Agency: Board of Trustees Village of Thomaston Date: January 11, 2021 Time:7:30 pm Place:Virtual meeting with access to be announced.Subject: Bill T 2021A.A local law to amend the Code of the Village of Thomaston, in relation to generators. At said time and place, all interested persons may be heard with respect to the foregoing matter. Please review the Village website at www.villageofthomaston.org_meeting_schedule, or call the Village office at (516) 482-3110 for updated meeting information.Any person having a disability which would inhibit attendance at or participation in the hearing should notify the Village Administrator at least three business days prior to the hearing, so that reasonable efforts may be made to facilitate such attendance and participation. All relevant documents may be inspected on the Village website during regular business hours.Dated:December 14, 2020BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDenise M. Knowland, Village Administrator


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