INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF GREAT NECK ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 481 Middle Neck Road (Section 1 /Block 54 /Lot(s) 707-708) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Great Neck shall hold a virtual public hearing via Zoom on Thursday, September 1, 2022 at 7:30PM or by calling 1 929 436 2866, Meeting ID 883 5672 5404. The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Great Neck shall hear the application of Steve Harooni, applicant, represented by Gad Ashoori, architect, for the premises at 481 Middle Neck Road in Great Neck. The applicant is seeking site plan approval and the following variance(s) from the Village Zoning Codes regarding the application for an addition: 1. §Section 575-105 Use A. building may be erected, altered, or used and a lot or premises may be used for any of the purposes set forth in this section and for no other: A. Multifamily dwellings, subject to site plan approval by the Board of Trustees. B. Townhomes, subject to site approval by the Board of Trustees. C. Single-family detached dwellings, conforming to all the provisions of Article VIII. D. House of worship or other building used exclusively for religious purposes, parish house, parochial and nonprofit private school when authorized by the Board of Trustees pursuant to the provisions of ß 575-170.9 of this chapter.E. E. Regularly organized institution of learning approved by the State Board of Regents and supported by public funds, a public library, or public art gallery. F. Government or municipal building, for the administration of or service rendered by the Village government. G. Municipal park, for recreational use. H. Accessory private garage, detached or attached to or within the main building, for the parking of vehicles used for the residential use of the main building.†I. Accessory use on same lot, including, but not limited to: (1) Real estate office for the management, marketing, and/or sales of the units. (2) Indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, including indoor swimming pools, spas, tennis courts, clubhouses, pool houses, recreation and/or fitness centers, business centers, meeting spaces, and similar facilities, provided that such facilities are planned as an integral part of the principal use and are for the sole use of the residents of such principal use and their guests. (3) Off-street parking areas and garages. The proposed use of this addition does not conform with 575-105. 2.§Section 575-111 Building Area†B. The building area for all other uses shall not exceed 35% of the lot area. 75% building area is proposed, whereas the building area shall not exceed 35% of the lot. This is 40% more than allowed, whereas a variance is requested. 3.§Section 575-113 Side Yards†The minimum side yard setback for each side yard shall be 10 feet, which area shall be landscaped, except for necessary access drives, parking, and walkways, in accordance with a plan approved as part of the site plan approval. No side yard is proposed, whereas a minimum of 10 feet is required. A variance is requested. 4.§Section 575-114 Rear Yards There shall be a rear yard, the depth of which shall not be less than 25 feet. The proposed rear yard is 18.42 feet, whereas a minimum of 25 feet is required. A variance of 6.8 feet is requested. 5.§Section 575-115 Distance Between Adjacent Buildings A. The minimum distance between buildings shall be 10 feet. A variance is requested as there is zero distance between buildings. 6.§Section 575-115.2 Landscaping Buffers As part of the site plan approval, the Board of Trustees shall require a landscape plan that provides adequate buffer and appropriate design treatment for the uses of the abutting properties. A variance is requested as there is no landscaping buffer. The premises also known as Section 1, Block 54, Lot(s) 707-708 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map, and are located in the Residence E or Apartment District and Middle Neck Road Multifamily Incentive Overlay Zoning District. At said hearing, all parties and interests will be given an opportunity to be heard. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE VILLAGE OF GREAT NECK DENNIS GROSSMAN, CHAIRMAN August 19, 2022