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INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF GREAT NECK ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 187-195 Steamboat Road (Section 1/Block 197/Lots 2-5) †PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Great Neck shall hold a public hearing on Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 7:30PM at Village of Saddle Rock, 18 Masefield Way, Great Neck, NY 11023, to hear the application of The United Mashadi Jewish Community of America, applicant, represented by Paul Bloom, attorney, for the premises at 187-195 Steamboat Road in Great Neck. The applicant is seeking the following variance(s) from the Village Zoning Codes in connection with their application to build a religious community center and parochial school:†1. ß575-79† Population Density and Street Frontage †C. No building used for one of the purposes referred to in ߆575-77C†may be constructed on or occupy a lot having an area of less than one acre or having street frontage of less than 200 feet. No building used for one of the purposes referred to in ߆575-77E†may be constructed on or occupy a lot having an area of less than five acres or having street frontage of less than 200 feet. The lot area is 1.98 acres, whereby the minimum lot area required is 5 acres.† A variance of 3.02 acres is requested. 2. †††ß575-82 Lot Coverage Lot coverage on a residential lot in the Residence C District shall not exceed the following thresholds: A.†Front yard coverage: 50%. The proposed front yard coverage is 28,658.4 SF, whereby the maximum front yard coverage is 14,767.5 SF.† A variance of 13,890.9 SF is requested.††3. ß575-82 Lot Coverage Lot coverage on a residential lot in the Residence C District shall not exceed the following thresholds: C. †Side yard coverage: 10% or, for corner plots, 40% (but in both cases exclusive of coverage by that portion of a driveway whose width does not exceed 20 feet). The proposed west side yard coverage is 6,610.22 SF, whereby the maximum allowable side yard coverage is 1,184.66 SF. A variance of 5,425.56 SF is requested. 4.†††† ß575-82 Lot Coverage Lot coverage on a residential lot in the Residence C District shall not exceed the following thresholds: C. †Side yard coverage: 10% or, for corner plots, 40% (but in both cases exclusive of coverage by that portion of a driveway whose width does not exceed 20 feet). The proposed east side yard coverage is 2,763.86 SF, whereby the maximum allowable side yard coverage is 744.38 SF. A variance of 2,019.48 SF is requested. †5.††††††††††††††††† ß575-82 Lot Coverage Lot coverage on a residential lot in the Residence C District shall not exceed the following thresholds: B. Rear yard coverage: 40%.†The proposed rear yard coverage is 9,094 SF, whereas the maximum allowable rear yard coverage is 4,032.8 SF.† A variance of 5,061.2 SF is requested. †6. †††††††††ß575-169 Driveways C.†Where a section of a driveway is set back five feet or less from the side or rear lot line, the setback area abutting that section of the driveway shall be known as a “minimal setback area,” and it shall be landscaped as indicated in Subsection†C(1)†below and by one of the methods indicated in Subsections†C(2)†or†C(3)†below, and said landscaping shall be maintained in good condition: (1)†A hedge, at least three feet in height, planted along at least 75% of the minimal setback area; and (2)†Deciduous trees having a diameter at breast height of at least three inches, planted at intervals of not more than 30 feet on center in the minimal setback area; or (3)†Conifer trees, at least five feet in height, planted at intervals of not more than 30 feet on center in the minimal setback area. No adequate landscaping is proposed for most of the north and east property lines.† A variance is requested. †7.††††††††††††††† ß575-88 Accessory Structures B. Retaining walls shall not extend above the ground that they support. The proposed retaining wall extends 0.5 feet above the ground.† A variance of 0.5 feet is requested. ††8.† †††ß575-170.1 Screening for Non-Single-Family Detached Dwellings †B. All nonresidential uses that abut one or more residential uses shall install, repair, maintain and replace, to the extent required by the Building Department, for so long as such nonresidential uses continue, the following, along their common boundary line with such residential uses: (2)†A fifteen-foot landscaped buffer. Other than said six-foot-high fence and an irrigation system, there shall be no lighting fixtures or other aboveground structures within said buffer.†(3)†Landscaping with trees, shrubs and ground cover within said fifteen-foot buffer of sufficient height and density to minimize, to the extent practicable, the light and noise from the nonresidential use to the adjacent residential area.†The 15 foot buffer required per 575-170.1 has not been provided on the west side. Only 1 foot is provided, which is 14 feet less than required.† 9.†††††† ß575-78 Height The maximum height of a building shall not exceed 30 feet or 22 feet at the eaves. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence:†1. Chimneys, antennas and decorative cupolas may extend to a height of 35 feet.†2. Roof peaks and ridges may extend to a height of 35 feet if:†1. The roof is pitched at a ratio of at least 6:8;†2. The ceiling height of the space within the roof is less than six feet, as measured from the floor to ceiling, or floor to collar ties, as the case may be; and†3. No windows or skylights are proposed. The proposed building height is 63.02 feet, whereby the maximum building height is 30 feet. A variance of 33.02 feet is requested. †10.†††††††††††††††† ß575-80 Building Area and Floor Area Ratio†1. For uses authorized under ߆575-77D†and†F, the building area and floor area ratio shall be established by the Board of Trustees. For uses referred to in ߆575-77C†and†E, the building area shall not exceed 20% of the lot area, and the floor area ratio may not exceed 0.50 of the first 8,000 square feet of lot area and 0.15 of the lot area in excess of 8,000 square feet The proposed building area is 29,334 SF, whereby 17,235.58 SF is proposed.† A variance of 12,098.42 SF is requested. †11.††††††††††††††††††† ß575-80 Building Area and Floor Area Ratio†1. For uses authorized under ߆575-77D†and†F, the building area and floor area ratio shall be established by the Board of Trustees. For uses referred to in ߆575-77C†and†E, the building area shall not exceed 20% of the lot area, and the floor area ratio may not exceed 0.50 of the first 8,000 square feet of lot area and 0.15 of the lot area in excess of 8,000 square feet The proposed floor area ratio† is 77,264.69 SF, whereby 15,726.69 is allowed.† A variance of 61,538 SF is requested. †12.††††††††††††† †††ß575-86 Rear yards †C. There shall be a rear yard, the depth of which shall be 25 feet plus 1/4 of the depth of the lot in excess of 100 feet.†† †The proposed rear yard is 34.17 feet, whereby 76.36 feet is required.† A variance of 42.19 feet is requested.††13.††† ††ß575-77 Use A building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for any of the purposes set forth in this section and for no other: A.†Single-family detached dwelling. B.†Public school. C.†Church or other building used exclusively for religious purposes, when authorized by the Board of Trustees pursuant to the provisions of ߆575-170.9†of this chapter. D.†Government or municipal building, for the administration of or service rendered by the Village government. E.†Parochial and nonprofit private school, when authorized by the Board of Trustees pursuant to the provisions of ߆575-170.9†of this chapter. F.†Municipal park, for recreational use. G.†Accessory private garage, detached or attached to or within the main building, for the parking of vehicles used for the residential use of the main building.[1] H.†Accessory use on the same lot with and customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses, including those specified in ß߆575-88†and†575-89. The use of the terrace for public assembly for the terraces on the 5th floor rooftop with 470 occupants and the 3rd floor with 191 occupants is not congruent with this section. A use variance is requested.†The premises also known as Section 1, Block 197, Lots 2-5 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map, and are located in the Residence C Zoning District.† A copy of the application material is available for review in the Village of Great Neck Building Department, Village Hall, during regular business hours. If anyone needs special accommodations for a disability, such person should contact the Village Clerk at least 5 days prior to the hearing.† At said hearing, all parties and interests will be given an opportunity to be heard. †BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE VILLAGE OF GREAT NECK July 24, 2023†

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