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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 4 Stonehenge Road (Section 1/Block 41/Lot(s) 85)†PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Great Neck shall hold a virtual public hearing via Zoom on Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 7:30PM or by calling 1 929 436 2866, Meeting ID 883 5672 5404. †The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Great Neck shall hear the application of Rachel Schulman, owner, represented by Isaac Rei, architect, for the premises at 4 Stonehenge Road in Great Neck. The applicant is seeking the following variance(s) from the Village Zoning Codes in connection with an application for an addition and alterations: †1. ß575-168 Facades of Single-Family Dwellings B. No more than 75% of a two-story front or side facade shall be made in one vertical plane; the balance of said facade shall follow a vertical plane which is separated from the former plane by at least two feet. A projecting chimney shall not be considered a separation. No break is provided for the west faÁade, therefore a variance is required.†2. †ß575-43 Side Yards A. On an interior lot, a single-family dwelling shall have two side yards, one on each side of the main building. The aggregate width of the two side yards shall not be less than 18 feet, plus 1/2 of the width of the lot in excess of 60 feet. No side yard shall have a width of less than 1/2 of the minimum required aggregate width of both side yards. When practical, the wider of the two side yards shall be placed adjacent to the narrower of the side yards of an adjoining lot or lots. The proposed aggregate side yard is 24.2 feet, whereby 26.5 feet is required.† A variance of 2.3 feet is required.††3. ß575-43 Side Yards †A. On an interior lot, a single-family dwelling shall have two side yards, one on each side of the main ††††††building. The aggregate width of the two side yards shall not be less than 18 feet, plus 1/2 of the width of the lot in excess of 60 feet. No side yard shall have a width of less than 1/2 of the minimum required aggregate width of both side yards. When practical, the wider of the two side yards shall be placed adjacent to the narrower of the side yards of an adjoining lot or lots. The proposed side yard is 9.1 feet, whereby 13.25 feet is required. A variance of 4.15 feet is required. The premises are also known as Section 1, Block 41, Lot(s) 85 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map, and are located in the Residence Zoning A-1 District.† A copy of the application materials is available for review in the Village of Great Neck Building Department, Village Hall, during regular business hours. At said hearing, all parties and interests will be given an opportunity to be heard.†BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE VILLAGE OF GREAT NECK January 20, 2022†

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