PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Roslyn Estates will hold a public hearing at 7:30 PM on Monday, September 19, 2022, at the Village Hall, 25 The Tulips, Roslyn, New York 11576, in person, to consider the adoption of the following matter: Bill 6 of 2022, a proposed local law amending Chapter 191, ìVehicles and Traffic,î of the Code of the Village of Roslyn Estates, to establish a Village-wide speed limit of twenty-five (25) miles per hour, pursuant to NYS Assembly Bill A1007A/NYS Senate Bill S2021A, signed into law by Governor Hochul on August 12, 2022, amending NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law ß 1643, which prior to such amendment prohibited villages from enacting on a village-wide basis a maximum speed limit lower than thirty (30) miles per hour. Persons who may suffer from a disability which would prevent them from participating in said hearing should notify Michael Tomicich, Village Clerk, at (516) 621-3541 in sufficient time to permit such arrangements to be made to enable such persons to participate in said hearing.††Dated:† Roslyn Estates, New York
By Order of the Board of Trustees
September 7, 2022
of the Village of Roslyn Estates
Michael Tomicich, Village Clerk