NOTICE TO BIDDERS Public Notice: Sealed bids for 2020-2021 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM


NOTICE TO BIDDERS Public Notice is hereby given that separate sealed bids for 2020-2021 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM project will be received until 11:00 AM prevailing time on June 9, 2021 at the Administrative Offices at the EAST WILLISTON UFSD l LOCATED AT 11 BACON ROAD, OLD WESTBURY, NY 11568 at which time they will be received, opened, read aloud and will be made available to the public by remote audio conference. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 843 5915 4381 Passcode: 327532 One tap mobile +16465588656,,84359154381#,,,,*327532# US (New York) +13126266799,,84359154381#,,,,*327532# US (Chicago) SINGLE PRIME TRADE CONTRACT #1 – GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SED # 28-04-02-03-0-001-035- WHEATLEY HIGH SCHOOL Complete digital sets of the Contract documents may be obtained online (with a free user account) as a download for a nonrefundable fee of Forty Nine Dollars ($49.00) at the following website under ëpublic projectsí beginning on May 26, 2021 Optionally, in lieu of digital copies, hard copies may be obtained directly from Island Digital Reprographics 200 Broadhollow Road Suite One Farmingdale New York 11735 (631-753-3000) upon a deposit of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for each complete set. Checks for deposits shall be made payable to the EAST WILLISTON UFSD All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at the above referenced websites. Any bidder requiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. Plan holders who have obtained hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are required for their use, and coordinate directly with the printer for hard copies of addenda to be issued. There will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda. The bid deposit shall be refunded to each Bidder only if the plans and specifications are returned, in good condition, with no handwritten notations thereon within (30) calendar days after the bid opening date. All deposits shall be forfeited to the School District after the (30) days have elapsed. ANY PERSON OR CORPORATION WHO FAILS TO SUBMIT A BID SHALL FORFEIT THEIR HARD COPY PLAN DEPOSIT IN ITS ENTIRETY. Each Bidder must deposit, with their sealed bid, security in an amount not less than 10% of the base bid and all Alternate Bids in the proper form subject to the conditions set forth in the Instructions to Bidders (Page 3). Attention of the Bidders is specifically directed to the minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract, as well as to other provisions set forth in the bidding documents. Bidder will also be required to show, to the satisfaction of the EAST WILLISTON UFSD that they are carrying Workersí Compensation Insurance as required by law and all other Insurance in amounts not less than that specified under the General Conditions. 2 Performance Bonds and Labor/Material Bonds, as called for in the General Conditions are a requirement of each contract. The EAST WILLISTON UFSD reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted, to waive any informality or irregularity in any bid, and/ or to accept any bid in whole or in part and/ or to award or not award the contract, if in the opinion of the EAST WILLISTON UFSD the best interest of the SCHOOL DISTRICT will thereby be served. This invitation is an offer to receive bids for a contract. The successful Bidder will be required to execute a formal contract in the form contained in the Contract Documents. All bids received after the time stated in the Notice to Bidders will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the bidder. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of the mail by employees of the SCHOOL DISTRICT. Whether sent by mail or by means of personal delivery, the bidder assumes responsibility for having its bid deposited on time at the place specified. Each Bidder shall agree to hold their bid price for (45) days after the formal bid opening. Per Article 8, Section 220 of the New York State Labor Law, every contractor and sub-contractor shall submit to the SCHOOL DISTRICT within (30) days after issuance of its first payroll, and every (30) days thereafter, a transcript of the original payroll record, as provided by this article, subscribed and affirmed as true under penalties of perjury. The SCHOOL DISTRICT shall be required to receive and maintain such payroll records. The original payrolls or transcripts shall be preserved for (5) years from the completion of the work on the project. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting uncertainty with regard to (a) when the Ownerís schools will be in session during 2021, (b) what restrictions, if any, will be applicable to construction activities in the Ownerís facilities due to State, Federal or Local orders, laws, regulations or rules related to the COVID-19 pandemic (including but not limited to social distancing, cleaning and disinfection requirements) and (c) the duration of any restrictions imposed on construction activities, the Owner may modify the construction schedule set forth in the Contract/Bid Documents. By submitting a bid, the Bidder acknowledges and agrees that there shall be no additional compensation paid for schedule modifications caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bidder further acknowledges and agrees that the sole remedy for any schedule modifications or delays caused directly or indirectly by the COVID-19 pandemic shall be an extension of time, if warranted. BOARD OF EDUCATION EAST WILLISTON† of time, if warranted. BOARD OF EDUCATION EAST WILLISTON UFSD ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 11 BACON ROAD OLD WESTBURY, NY 11568 ADRIENNE COMMINS DISTRICT CLERK


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