NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Village of Roslyn Estates Planning Board NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Planning Board of the Village of Roslyn Estates will hold a Public Hearing on January 6, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. remotely, via videoconference only, Meeting ID # 304-164-1176 Password ID PB10621 with no “in person” location, as authorized pursuant to NYS Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.1, as subsequently extended, on the following:1.Case # 96, Application of Dr. Laurence Spier, as owner of premises at owner of premises at 51 The Intervale, Roslyn Estates, NY 11576, in R-30 zoning district, also known as Section 7, Block 208, Lot 204, on Nassau County Land and Tax Map, for (a) site plan approval under Village Code Section 145-1(A) with respect to alterations and additions to existing single family home, and (b) re-grading approval under Village Code Section 80-3(A), with respect to proposed re-grading of the parcel within 20’ of a property line by more than 2”, within 25’ of a property line by more than 6”; and/or within 45’ of a property line, by more than 2’.2. Case # 97, Application of Gary and Sherri Liepper, as owners of premises at 7 The Serpentine, Roslyn Estates, NY 11576, also known as Section 7, Block 2201, Lot 8 on Nassau County Land and Tax Map, located in an R-12 Zoning District, for (a) site plan approval under Village Code Section 145-1(A) with respect to proposed new swimming pool at existing single family home, and (b) re-grading approval under Village Code Section 80-3(A), with respect to proposed re-grading of the parcel within 20’ of a property line by more than 2”, within 25’ of a property line by more than 6”; and/or within 45’ of a property line, by more than 2’. The applications and plans are on file in the Village Office, 25 The Tulips, Roslyn Estates, New York, and may be examined during business hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-4PM. All interested parties may attend the Public Hearing at the aforementioned time and place or send written communication to the Village Office to be heard. Any individual requiring special assistance to attend should notify Village Clerk, Michael Tomicich, (516) 621-3541, at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing. Noah D’Alessio, ChairmanPlanning Board Village of Roslyn EstatesDecember 21, 2020
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Village of Roslyn Estates Planning Board