NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Town of North Hempstead – Board of Zoning Appeals Pursuant to the provisions of the Code of the Town of North Hempstead, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Zoning Appeals of said Town will meet at Town Hall, 220 Plandome Road, Manhasset, New York, on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 to consider any matters that may properly be heard by said Board, and will hold a public hearing on said date to consider applications and appeals. The following cases will be called at said public hearing starting at 10:00am.APPEAL #21343 ñ Rajiv & Gayatri Lodaya; 426 Old Courthouse Road, New Hyde Park; Section 8, Block 266, Lot 54; Zoned: Residence-A Variances from 70-30.C, 70-31.A and 70-208.F to construct additions to a non-conforming dwelling that are too close to the side property line, too close to the street and will have less than required total side yards. APPEAL #21361 – Michael & Angela Mastrototaro; 1 Wilton Street, New Hyde Park; Section 8, Block 335, Lot 25; Zoned: Residence-C Variances from § 70-50.B, 70-52, and 70-100.2(A)(2)(b)[2] construct an addition and to legalize a raised porch that are too close to the street (primary front yard), construct an addition that is too close to the rear property line, and legalize fencing in a front yard. Plans are available for public viewing at Persons interested in viewing the full file may do so by any time before the scheduled hearing by contacting the BZA department via e-mail at, the public may view the live stream of this meeting at member of the public is able to attend and participate in a BZA hearing by appearing on the scheduled date and time. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Written comments are accepted by email up to 60 minutes prior to the hearing. Timely comment submissions will be made part of the record. DAVID MAMMINA, R.A., Chairman; Board of Zoning Appeals