Town of North Hempstead—Board of Zoning Appeals
Pursuant to the provisions of the Code of the Town of North Hempstead, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Zoning Appeals of said Town will meet at Town Hall, 220 Plandome Road, Manhasset, New York, on Wednesday, December 18, 2019, to consider any matters that may properly be heard by said Board, and will hold a public hearing on said date to consider applications and appeals.
The following cases will be called at said public hearing starting at 10:00 a.m.
APPEAL #20864—June Subraj, variances 70-100.2.A(2) and 70-100.2.A(4) to maintain fencing exceeding the permitted height and beyond the front building line; S/W/cor. 218 Devonshire Dr. & Park Circle West, New Hyde Park, Sec. 9, Blk. 531, Lot 18, R-C District.
APPEAL #20867—Salman Malik, variance 70-100.2(A)(4) to maintain fencing exceeding the permitted height; N/side 55 Park Ave., 200’ W/of Corbin Ave., Garden City Park, Sec. 33, Blk. 140, Lot 830, R-C District.
APPEAL #20872—Terminal Industrial Park, Inc., variances 70-44, 70-103.B, 70-192.A, 70-203.G, 70-203.J, 70-215.D(1), 70-103.A(1), 70-203.G, and 70-212.B to maintain a paved parking area within a residential district (not a permitted use), parking with insufficient stall sizes, parking within a required front yard setback, elimination of, and parking within a required landscape buffer, vehicle entrance gate within a required front yard setback, and barbed wire fencing and parking lot restriping to convert a non-conforming parking area into a commercial parking area for the overnight storage of motor vehicles within a residential district (not a permitted use) with insufficient off-street parking, and outdoor vehicle storage within a required landscape buffer, and a required front yard setback, N/W/cor. 2101 Jericho Tpke. and Denton Ave., New Hyde Park, Sec. 8, Blk. 254, Lot 66, I-B/R/C District.
The full list of cases for this calendar may be obtained at All interested persons should appear and will be given an opportunity to be heard at such meeting and/or hearing.
DAVID MAMMINA, R.A., Chairman; Board of Zoning Appeals
NHP #152281
1x 12/6/2019 #152281