Draft Environmental Assessment (EA)


This notice is to inform any interested parties that a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared for the Replacement of Crowninshield & Cressy Piers, Mallory Pier Wavescreen Repair, and Rehabilitation of the Seawall Project at the United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) located in Kings Point, Nassau County. The project involves replacing Crowninshield and Cressy Piers along with performing repairs to the Mallory Pier wavescreen at the USMMA. The marine infrastructure to be replaced is over 65 years old in some areas, and the structural integrity has become jeopardized, which presents serious safety concerns over continued use. The project has previously received New York Department of Environmental Conservation and United States Army Corps of Engineers permits, and New York State Department of State concurrence that the project is consistent with the New York State Coastal Management Program. The United States Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD) is the lead agency for environmental review. The Draft EA is available for public review on the USMMA website, or by contacting Kristine Gilson of MARAD at kristine.gilson@dot.gov or 202-366-1939. Documents are available for public review until April 10, 2022. †


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