NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS of the INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF EAST HILLS has scheduled a meeting and public hearings via videoconference pursuant to Governor’s Executive Order 202.1 (as extended by EO 202.79) for January 19, 2021 at 5:00 PM to consider the following: ADAM LILLING (CONTINUED FROM DECEMBER 15, 2020 MEETING) requests a SPECIAL EXCEPTION AND SIX VARIANCES for the property known as 15 VANAD DRIVE designated as Section 19 Block 25 Lot 7 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R1 District of the Village. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-139(A), swimming pools require a special exception from the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-14 (A), the maximum allowable fence height is 4 feet. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-143(A)(1) and (3), pool enclosure fences must be of the chain link type, must be erected completely enclosing the pool at least five feet from the edge of the pool and at least 15 feet from any property line, and must only have one gate. Therefore, variances are requested for the proposed 5 foot fence, of the PVC type, located along the property line and having two gates. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-23(A), Accessory Buildings and Uses, accessory buildings or structures shall not occupy more than 20 percent of the rear yard. The proposed rear yard lot coverage is 41 percent. Therefore, a variance is requested for 21 percent of rear yard lot coverage. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-23(B), a side yard setback of 15 feet must be maintained. The proposed side yard setback is 4 feet.  Therefore, a variance is requested for 11 feet of side yard setback. MIKHAIL SHIFRIN requests ONE VARIANCE for the property known as 66 HUMMINGBIRD DRIVE designated as Section 19 Block 35 Lot 1 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R1 District of the Village.  Pursuant to East Hills Code § 271-14(A), Fences, no fences are permitted to be erected within the front yard. Therefore, a variance is requested for the proposed front yard fence.FRANK ZUCKERBROT requests a SPECIAL EXCEPTION AND FOUR VARIANCES for the property known as 15 CRABAPPLE DRIVE designated as Section 7 Block 263 Lot 3 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R1 District of the Village.  Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-139(A), swimming pools require a special exception from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-14 (A), the maximum allowable fence height is 4 feet. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-143(A)(1) and (3), pool enclosure fences must of the chain link type, and be erected completely enclosing the pool at least five feet from the edge of the pool and at least 15 feet from any property line, and must only have one gate. Therefore, variances are requested for the proposed 5 foot estate-type fence located along the property line. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-143(A)(6&7), the pool drywell is to be single and separate, shall not have less than a ten-foot vertical side wall and an eight-foot diameter, and no wastewater, other than from the pool, shall discharge into such dry well. The proposed drywell is also connected to lawn drains. Therefore, a variance is requested. ALBERT AND WENDY MURAD request TWO VARIANCES for the property known as 61 PLANTING FIELD ROAD designated as Section 7 Block 143 Lot 13 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R2 District of the Village.  Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-235, Floor Area, the maximum permitted floor area for this property is 3,600 sf. The proposed floor area is 3,779.94 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 179.94 square feet of floor area. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-41, the maximum permitted lot coverage is 25%.  The proposed lot coverage is 27.53%.  Therefore, a variance is requested for 2.53% of lot coverage. GREGG AND EILEEN BALBERA request ONE VARIANCE for the property known as 33 ENTRANCE ROAD designated as Section 7 Block 121 Lot 5 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R2 District of the Village.  Pursuant to East Hills Code §213-1, generators must be in the side or rear yards and must the minimum setbacks.  The proposed generator location is adjacent to the house in the side yard, but it does not meet the minimum 10 foot side yard setback specified in East Hills Code §271-43(B) for properties in the R2 zone. The proposed generator location has a 7.5 foot side yard setback. Therefore, a variance is requested for 2.5 feet of side yard setback. Due to the current health crisis the public meeting and hearings will not be held in person at Village Hall.  Instead the public is welcome to observe and participate online at meeting ID number 892 0731 2238, password 119526 or by phone at (929)205-6099. Additional dial in options may be found at addition, comments with respect to the applications may be submitted prior to the meeting by email to  Maps and plans regarding the below applications are available for inspection on the Village’s website at    If EO 202.79 is not extended, the public meeting and hearings will take place in person at 8:00 p.m. at Village Hall, 209 Harbor Hill Road, East Hills NY on January 19, 2021. BY THE ORDER OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF EAST HILLS Michael Kosinski, ChairmanDated: January 8, 2021


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