Board of Trustees of the Village of Kings Point regular meeting



The Board of Trustees of the Village of Kings Point, at a regular meeting held on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, duly adopted Local Law 4 of 2022, which reads as follows:Local Law 4 of 2022, a local law amending the zoning provisions of the Code of the Village of Kings Point with regard to tennis courts and off-shore structures.Be it enacted by the Board of Trustees of the Village Kings Point.Section 1. §161-41, Screening, of Article VI, Private Tennis Courts, of Chapter 161, Zoning, of the Code of the Village of Kings Point, is hereby amended, to read as follows:ì§ 161-41.  Screening.All tennis courts and the fencing surrounding the same shall be completely screened from adjoining properties by a living screen of coniferous trees. The trees shall consist of Canadian hemlock or an alternate approved by the Building Inspector. The height of the trees, when planted, shall be at least six feet and in no event less than two feet below the maximum height of the fence surrounding the court. The trees shall be planted at intervals of five feet on center, or if an alternate other than Canadian hemlock is approved by the Building Inspector, then at those intervals which the Building Inspector determines will achieve the same screening effect as Canadian hemlocks. The coniferous screening shall be maintained in good condition so long as the tennis court remains in existence.Notwithstanding the foregoing, with regard to waterfront properties, the Architectural and Preliminary Site Review Board may waive the requirement for screening a tennis court from the waterfront if it finds that such screening is not required for the benefit of adjoining properties.îSection 2. §161-50.3, Application process for permit for construction or maintenance; filing fees and deposits, of Article VIII, Off-Shore Structures, of said chapter, is hereby amended by redesignating subsection E as subsection G, and adding new subsections E and F, to read, respectively, as follows:ìE. The application shall be accompanied by a plan that shows all off-shore structures within 400 feet of the subject property.îìF. The applicant shall send notice of the application to the property owners of all properties within 400 feet of the subject property.îSection 3. †Effective date. †This local law shall take effect immediately.Dated: Kings Point, New York BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES
April 27, 2022
Gomie Persaud, Village Clerk-Treasurer


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